The Laboratory of Multimaterials and Interfaces

The Laboratory of Multimaterials and Interfaces was created around 12 teacher-researchers and researchers by Professor Jean BOUIX in 1995. It is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 5615) resulting from a contractual agreement between the CNRS and the Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University (UCBL). Since January 2016, it has been headed by Professor Arnaud BRIOUDE. The LMI currently has 47 permanent members and approximately the same number of non-permanent members (masters, doctoral and post-doctoral students) working on research, development and training projects and programmes in the field of Material Sciences and more particularly in the Chemistry of Molecules and Materials.

The main activities of our laboratory are the design, development and characterization of molecules, materials and multi-materials, mainly inorganic.

Our specificity lies in the coordinated implementation of 3 types of core competencies:

  • Design and synthesis of new molecules with specific properties and new molecular precursors.
  • Design and synthesis of new materials and functional multi-materials: Nano-materials, Mesoporous Materials, Thin Films, Metal/Ceramic Composites, Supramolecular Organo-metallic Structures, Semiconductors, Heterostructures, Bioactive Materials
  • Design, Implementation, Characterization and Modelling of Processes and Processes of Synthesis and Transformation by Innovative Chemical Pathways: VLS transport, sol-gel, high temperature CVD, pyrolysis of preceramic polymers, ALD / ALE, solvo-thermal syntheses, electro-spinning.

The materials studied at the LMI are presented in a wide variety of morphological forms: plates, yarns, ceramic fibres, membranes, thin layers, interphases, composite and hybrid materials, molecular materials, nanostructured materials and nanomaterials, functionalized surfaces.

Lab. Structuration

The current structure of the unit is represented on the organizational chart. It includes 5 research teams supported by two internal technical platforms, a workshop and a “Management and Logistics” department.

Research Teams

Technical Plateforms


The unit’s hosting entity is the UCBL. In 2019, the staff and activities of the LMI are spread over 2 sites:

  • Lyon Tech La Doua Campus: Chevreul building, floors -1, 0, 1, 2.
  • La Buire site: Dental building, floor R + 1.

Organizational chart

Our sponsors

Our Parters