AMBITION Project (2024-2026)

AMorphous Boron nITrIde cOntrolled syNthesis


The AMBITION project, led by the University of Lyon in France, is a Franco-Korean collaborative project conducted under the aegis of a Hubert Curien partnership (PHC-STAR), aimed at carrying out the reproducible and controlled synthesis of doped amorphous boron nitride (a-BN) thin films. The aim is to study the impact of doping on the dielectric constant (k) of these promising materials, which could become key elements in the next generation of electronic devices thanks to their ultra-low dielectric constant below 2.

Project overview

In order to miniaturize electronic devices while avoiding the resulting reliability failures, the semiconductor industry needs a highly insulating material with mechanical and chemical stability. Amorphous boron nitride (a-BN) presenting an ultra-low dielectric constant (k<2) has recently proven to be an ideal material for high-performance electronics. However, its manipulation and characterization reveal to be difficult due to its reactive dangling bonds.

The AMBITION project aims at the reproducible and controlled synthesis of doped a-BN thin films in order to study the impact of doping and to adjust therefore the k value. In case of success, this collaborative project between Prof. Shin (UNIST, South Korea), a pioneer of research on this material, and Prof. Journet (LMI, Univ. Lyon), who is a specialist in BN material synthesis, should constitute a decisive advance for the use of a-BN in the semiconductor market.


AMBITION brings together the Laboratoire des Multimatériaux et Interfaces (LMI) from Université de Lyon (France), and the Center for 2D Quantum Heterostructures (2DQH), IBS, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU, South Korea) for a period of 24 months.

  • Researchers from LMI @ UCBL
    • Catherine JOURNET-GAUTIER, Professor (Coordinator)
    • Catherine MARICHY, CNRS Researcher
    • Bérangère TOURY-PIERRE, Professor
  • Researchers from SKKU
    • Hyeon Suk SHIN, Professor


Our colleagues from the University of Seoul came to work at the LMI from 18 to 29 March. In return, we traveled to South Korea from 14 to 21 May to continue this fruitful scientific collaboration. These bilateral exchanges enabled us to deepen our joint research into new amorphous 2D materials for the electronics of the future. We would like to extend our warmest thanks to our Korean partners for their hospitality and their contribution to the progress of this promising project.


To come…