Publication dans le journal Nanotechnology

Publication issue d’un projet Carnot Ingénierie@Lyon entre les laboratoires lyonnais LMI-MATEIS-INL-ILM

Publication dans le journal Nanotechnology

Publication issue d’un projet Carnot Ingénierie@Lyon entre les laboratoires lyonnais LMI-MATEIS-INL-ILM

Article: Magnetic filaments for anisotropic composite polymers

The use of contactless magnetic forces meets numerous needs in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) or microfluidic devices. In this view, heterogeneous materials integrating magnetic nanostructures within a non-magnetic matrix such as polymer can produce local variations of magnetic field, at the submicrometer scale. Here we report on the synthesis of magnetic composites using electrospun nanofilaments and a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) matrix. Varying the precursor nature and heat treatment conditions, we obtained single phase filaments of Fe, FeNi, and MFe2O4 (M=Co, Fe, Ni). Thanks to a fine investigation of their structure and morphology, it was possible to measure from magnetically-soft (μ0HC ≤ 5 mT) to relatively hard (μ0HC up to 93 mT, MR/MS up to 0.5) behaviors. The common one dimensional shape of these filaments leads to an anisotropic magnetic response. This can be exploited to achieve self-organization of the filaments in arrays within the nonmagnetic matrix. We show the first step towards the development of magnetically anisotropic membranes of PDMS with 0.23wt% Fe filaments. These composite materials are promising for implementing magnetic functions in microsystems while circumventing complex micro-fabrication steps.

a) 3D reconstruction of confocal images of the composite (PDMS + Fe fibers), the thickness of the sample being of about 50 μm; b) is a reconstructed image in the XZ plane from the SEM images acquired between each FIB slicing (top view), B vector indicating the direction along which the external magnetic field was applied during the composite fabrication; c) 3D reconstruction of FIB images of the composite, with dashed lines along the chain axis and values of the corresponding angles between those lines and the B vector.

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